For any existing homes, if its dutiable value is less than $650,000, transfer duty is fully exempt. If the dutiable value is between $650,000 and $800,000, the applicant is eligible for a concession. For any new homes, if its dutiable value is less than $800,000, transfer duty is fully exempt. If the dutiable value is between $800,000 and $1,000,000, the applicant is eligible for a concession .
To apply First Home Benefit Assistance Scheme, you must:
- Be the purchaser of a Contract for purchase of a whole property dated on or after 1 July 2017; and
- Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident over 18 years old; and
- Never have owned or co-owned residential property in Australia; and
- Never have received an exemption or concession under FHBAS; and
- Move into the subject property within 12 months after completion of the agreement or transfer; and
- Occupy the subject property as your principal place of residence for at least six continuous months.
To be eligible for FHOGS, you must:
- Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident over 18 years old; and
- Have never owned or co-owned a home in Australia; and
- Have never received a FHOG in Australia; and
- Occupy the new home as your principal place of residence for a continuous period of at least 6 months commencing within 12 months of completion of the transaction; or
- Move in within 12 months after the construction is complete if you are building a new home.
You are able to claim a land tax exemption for one property if you occupy that property as your principal place of residence. In order to claim this exemption, you must satisfy the following requirements:
- Being a natural person, a beneficiary of a concessional trust, a life tenant or a person with a right to reside under the will;
- Has used the land for residential purposes;
- Have continuously used and occupied the property solely for residential purposes prior to the taxing date;
- The property must be principal of place of residence for at least one owner.
You must provide utility bills upon the property when you lodge the application.