Notary Public – Services

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Common international notary services

Notarization of personal documents:

Australian passport notarization.

Australian driver’s license notarized.

Notarization of Australian birth certificates.

Notarization of Australian marriage certificates or divorce judgements.

Notarization of Australian academic qualifications, grades, in-reading certificates or other professional qualifications (for professionals such as lawyers, accountants, doctors, appraisers, etc.)

Australian citizens are still notarized.

Australian passport, Chinese passport is notarized by the same person.

Notarized name change.

Waiver of notarization of the declaration of succession.

Delegated Documents: Common Power of Attorney:

Entrust family and friends in China to handle the sale of real estate on behalf of the matter.

Commission on behalf of the application to close the bank account or pension account.

Commissioned on behalf of litigation, etc

Company documents:

Notarization of the company registration certificate.

Notarization of the company’s survival certificate.

Notarization of the directorship of the company.

Company notarization of industrial and commercial inquiries.

Notarization of registration information on company trademarks, patents, designs, etc.

Notarization of the power of attorney of the company.

Witness and notarization of company contracts.

Litigation documents:

Notarization of the power of attorney for litigation.

Notarization of the signature of the lawsuit.

Notarization of evidence testimony or expert witness testimony.

Notarization of personal identification and fingerprint extraction.


If you have documents not mentioned above for international notarization, you can contact a professional international notary lawyer in advance for consultation, call 1300 618 888.

Ge Wu, an international notary lawyer, is a member of the International Notary Academy and has practiced in Australia for more than 15 years and has extensive experience in notarization.


speak to us and put your mind at ease 1300 618 888